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RS-196 [Pack 25]
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211.00 211.0 USD 211.00


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Ring Specs
(D) Free Diameter:1.882+0.000 / -0.020in.
(t) Thickness:0.049+0.003 / -0.003in.
(b) Radial Wall:0.128+0.003 / -0.005in.
Groove Specs:
(B) Application Diameter:1.969in.
(G) Groove Diameter:1.902+0.005 / -0.005in.
(W) Groove Width:0.056+0.004 / -0.000in.
Groove Depth:0.034in.

Other Specs
(m) Material Thickness:0.024in.
(N) Ring Number of Turns:2.000
(Pg) Theoretical Thrust Load Capacity - Groove Yield:
Notes: Yield Strength of Groove Material (Ys): 45,000 psi. Calculated using a safety factor (K) of 2

Pg = [ B * d * Ys * pi ] / K
    = [ (1.969 in.) * (0.034 in.) * (45,000 psi) * 3.14 ] / 2
(Pr) Theoretical Thrust Load Capacity - Ring Shear:
Notes: Ring Material: Carbon Spring Steel (SAE 1070-1090). Shear Strength of Ring Material (Ss): 126,000 psi. Calculated using a safety factor (K) of 3

Pr = [ B * t * Ss * pi ] / K
    = [ (1.969 in.) * (0.049 in.) * (126,000 psi) * 3.14 ] / 3